Design Agency Responsive Multipage Website Template

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Created: Mar 15, 2017

Updated: Mar 15, 2017

ID: 61277

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Design Agency Responsive Multipage Website Template - Features Image 1Design Agency Responsive Multipage Website Template - Features Image 2Design Agency Responsive Multipage Website Template - Features Image 3Design Agency Responsive Multipage Website Template - Features Image 4Design Agency Responsive Multipage Website Template - Features Image 5Design Agency Responsive Multipage Website Template - Features Image 6Design Agency Responsive Multipage Website Template - Features Image 7Design Agency Responsive Multipage Website Template - Features Image 8Design Agency Responsive Multipage Website Template - Features Image 9Design Agency Responsive Multipage Website Template - Features Image 10
Looking for a really gorgeous template for your web design agency website? Try this fully responsive Bootstrap Multipage Design Studio Website Template with lots of pre-loaded features and a stunning design! This web design studio template will help you to showcase yourself as a real master of web design. A powerful menu is hidden behind a stylish hamburger icon, it will help your customers to focus on your web design agency vision. Professional-looking About us page will help you to present all web design experts with elegance, while a trendy Projects plugin allows you to stand out with your web masterpieces. Versatile ready-made HTML pages will help to present your web design company in little things, while a wide range of UI elements will help you to enrich your website with multiple types of content. Choose leaders to lead with this website design studio template!

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Templateog体育首页 is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This is a Parallax Design Magazine web template

What is it?

Parallax is a scrolling technique in which forefront screen images transfer a lot quicker than the background ones.

Why is it Good?

Parallax scroll looks stunning and glues users' eyes to the illustrations and content modules.

View more Parallax website templates here

This is a Bootstrap Design News website design template

What is it?

Bootstrap is a front-end framework for building websites and web-apps.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap will help you produce responsive, mobile-first web-based projects conveniently.

Click for more Bootstrap website templates here

This Design Magazine website template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design means that the webpage adjusts its size and shape to match any type of screen, from the smallest handsets to the widest Laptop computer screens. For any device, page elements enlarge or lessen to look ideal.

Why is it Good?

Responsive website design helps to strengthen user experience and deliver a entire access to the website information from any device.

Find more Responsive website templates here

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

Top 50 Twitter Bootstrap Themes: Free and Paid


Design Agency Version 1.1 (April 26, 2018) Additions

8 Reviews for this product

Для Landing Page нужен был простой и быстрый шаблон. Этот шаблон считаю идеальным по соотношению цена / качество. CSS стили выше всяких похвал, индекс скорости загрузки Google Page Speed 90+ на ПК и мобильном. На шаблон можно установить примитивную, простую админку, которая позволяет легко редактировать текст, фото, без знаний html. За пару-тройку часов я без проблем настроил шаблон и получил качественный одностраничный сайт за сущие копейки. Рекомендую к покупке!
A great innovative template ready to use for a wide range of uses, definitely recommended!
Шаблон понравился, креативный. Вполне актуальный на 2019 год. Удобно верстать, код с комментариями. Страниц много, блог есть. Хорошо пойдет как на лэндинг так и на многостраничный сайт, корпоративный. Хороший джс формат. По наблюдением кажется много фирм им пользуются, просто переделывают. Сам один из них :) На Modx Revolution натянул без проблем. Также один из немаловажных плюсов, что сайт СЕО оптимизирован. Всем советую, не поленится и подогнать сайт под свой вкус и цвет, благо он к этому располагает
Ein top-aktuelles Design mit entsprechender Programmierung. Text und Bild fügen sich gute zusammen und bieten dem Besucher ein schönes Website-Erlebnis. Das Template hat eine guten Aufbau, es kann sehr gut und simpel weiter bearbeitet werden. Bei diesem sehr umfangreichen Template wurde viel auf Details geachtet. Auch das es für einige Unterseiten mehr Möglcihkeiten der Darstellung gibt, ist positiv zu erwähnen.
I purchased the Design Agency Responsive web template to use for my Web Development business. This template is really worth for the price paid. I work as a freelance Web Developer, and don't use much time on designing, as it's much easier to get a well designed template from Template monster. Design Agency template has a classy look and the code is easy to change according to your requirement. You get all the images with the template, and I'm 100% satisfied with my purchase. Will be using template monster again for my projects. Thank you.

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