Emlak - Real Estate, Architektura a stavebnictví Elementor víceúčelové téma WordPress

6 months of support Spolu s produktem získáte podporu během 6 měsíců od autora. Chcete-li se dozvědět více podrobností, přečtěte si pravidla podpory.

shoppingBag Prodej: 40

Přidat do sbírky

Created: 18. 9. 2023

Updated: 16. 12. 2024

ID: 359389

og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

480k položek | Komerční použití License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Podpěra Přidejte se a stáhněte si tuto položku  Zdarma
Emlak - Real Estate, Architektura a stavebnictví Elementor víceúčelové téma WordPress - Features Image 1Emlak - Real Estate, Architektura a stavebnictví Elementor víceúčelové téma WordPress - Features Image 2Emlak - Real Estate, Architektura a stavebnictví Elementor víceúčelové téma WordPress - Features Image 3


[Version 1.0.0] - December 08, 2024

  • Compatible with WP 6.7
  • Updated the Mobile Responsive

[Version 1.0.0] - May 19, 2024

  • Updated Twitter Icon
  • Updated Redux Options

[Version 1.0.0] - October 03, 2023

  • Updated Features List

[Version 1.0.0] - September 18, 2023

  • Initial Stable Release

7 Reviews for this product

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I had an issue importing the demo content and within a few hours or less the author responded and took care of it. Really made my day because I thought I was going to have no response or it was going to take weeks. Great Job and thank you! Can't wait to start customizing.
You are welcome.
I just installed this theme and can't wait to build it out. Tons [of options and components to choose from. Can't wait to see this baby in action!
Well. It's our pleasure.
Great design and the seller was very helpful and answered my questions very quickly. Thank you
Thank you very much.
I have installed many templates and I really recommend it to everyone who is looking for professional solutions. You will certainly be satisfied. Also your clients. The page on this template will be modern and adapted. The template is very simple and friendly. it's easy to install. You can modify many things. The file structure is transparent. Easy to configure and modify. A very intuitive way of making changes.
Great! We are always supportive.
Support and assistance from the product author is great. Quick communication, help and willingness to modify the template.
Great! We are always supportive.

0 Comments for this product

O autorovi

Expert Author

Customer Support

4,9 /5
Support rating (77 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 74 4 1 3 0 2 0 1 2
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


WordPress Builder:

WordPress Compatibility:

WordPress.com Compatibility:

Images included:


Design Software:

General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: